I Remain Comitted to Open Exchange....

I think we should remember some basic rules of discussion.
1. Let's don't stray too far from the subject. Example: What does being gay or bi have to do with ANYTHING here?
2. Stick to either facts or really make sure your opinions are marked as such.
I will be posting more information here about the situation particular to Kentucky TCOG and I want your opinions, insights and any additional information you might have. I have no intention at this time of moderating comments, editing posts or censoring your input. But I need your help to keep this site credible. Before I let this site be pushed into the lunatic fringe I will start moderating comments.
This information is very important because this is God's business. I don't relish dragging someones skeletons into the daylight, but the church I love is being tarnished by bad leadership.
Very well said. I agree.
Thank You Brother!
I as a church memeber, and A Pastor was ready to close down these sites, as well as tell my memebers the same, and others who I reguarly talk too, because of some of the nature of discussions whether it be truth or not!
I felt it very important that the members need to be aware of FACTS going on, But not speculation... some things are just better left unsaid
Not all are able to handle such, nor need to! So again Brother thank you for putting wisdom into action.
If you are concerned Bro Pastor, why don't you say who you are.What do you refer to as speculation? 99% percent that is exchange over the this site, 4Zions sake and 1Fold is correct.The general peons as we are called by Pope Jimmy needs to know three things.(1)Why isn't anything about Bro Pruitt shown on the TCOG site.(2)Who gave Nabors the right to add people to the committees? (3) The proof is in the pudding about Estep,WHY IS HE STILL AROUND.We have turned people out at my local church for things not as bad as what Estep has done. If the Assemby passed the ruling on tithing and Estep did not abide by it.He is a liar and a thief.
Bro Estep wrote a letter to Bro Murray on Jan12,1993.He stated that
at the meeting Bro Tomlinson had called of the Presbystery, to announce he intended to retire.He stated that he and Wade phillips were in the restroom and Phillips said "We've got the hardest job behind us now,we got him (Tomlinson) to step down to step down I don't more believe that than the cow jump over the moon.It was a ploy to get a position.To promote himself, to make himeslf look good.But after what I read and saw on your sight.He is just as crooked as a jack-leg Christian.He knew that Murray was after him and he was using revenge on Murray and COGP
Are some of the causes that TCOG based its "reorganization" on just fables? Could certian men, who knew that with the retiring of Bishop Tomlinson (who could no longer see well or travel to investigate a problem)would bring to light their misdeeds, fabercate stories? Such things as "he was not going to retire at the meeting" or "he said he was with us" or the reported exchange between Murray and Phillips. What do the members know that is really true about TCOG leadership?
Whoa! Man.Have you lost your sense!
Did you just came out of the woods. Murray As General Overseer, was a miscarriage of Justice.He destroy the church with his pyrmind
scheme. He took my licenses and many others.He lies about the Jonesboro concerned meeting.He lied about the polish people coming in the CGOP.He lied about the ring inssue.In fact he cause the split of 1993.And you called him a man of God! I called hinm the wolf in sheeo clothing
Billy Murray was a blatant liar. I know this from first hand knowledge. He operated just like Old Jimmy is doing now. Except he WAS the GO. Jimmy ain't. Billy Murray (rest his soul) was, to put it bluntly, a creep. He crept in unawares and sowed destruction. COGOP did NOT grow in numbers like they claim they did. TCOG left them. Then their own members starting commiting religious adultry and fornication by sleeping around with "sister fellowships." Some went to the elders COG, some went independent, some allowed the "great whore" to come in amongst them and preach her poison.
And if you want to know the facts that will never make it to the COGOP history books, A.J. Coalter was the first choice for GO. Many national overseers were persuaded by GH appointees that they would not get mission money if they did not go with Murray. This IS facts. Not speculation. Believe me, I think Nabors hung around COGOP too long before coming over. He picked up on their tricks. But we are much more wiser now than then.
It was reported that Estep preached during BTI. In his message he referred to "Gomer Pyle." I wonder where he got that? What did that have to do with anything?
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