Is there a court-martial coming?

Looks like Private Pyle is in Trouble...
Sargent Carter didn't go away like HQ thought he would. Looks like it's time for the Joint Chiefs of Staff to step up and start court-martial proceedings.
What about the other "sabateurs" at HQ, are they any less quilty?
What do you think should happen?
As Sgt Carter would say:
What's really going to be interesting is the battle for the new opening at head quarters. That could be nice and ugly. Who is going to play dumb at HQ and say,"Really? I had no clue. Who would a thunk it?" Yes the fun may have only started. But hey we might be all smiley inside June 10.
Here are some "clueless" names. Walter Lofton, Ralph "The Penguin" Lester, Herman Ard, Ray Dupre, Jerry "The JailHouseGuard" Wilda, Buddy Cannon, Don "Moneybags" Estep, Aviles, Ga. Overseer, Fl. Overseer, Al. Overseer, etc., etc., etc. The bowl is about to overflow. Time for a good "courtesy flush."
"Cause it's startin' to stank in here. Bring on the Joint Chiefs.
Auto, I love your zeal. But, like myself, you can get a little crazy with all of this. Things are about to be fixed. Let us (you and me and all the others) not get too much into self that we lose out with God. It's been a hard and sometimes humorous ride. But, when this dust finally settles, we still have a world to minister to. I, too, harbor hurt. My hurt started long before this mess. But, I must not allow that hurt to blur my vision of MY purpose in all of this thing we call The Church of God. God still requires me to minister to people's needs. And, God forbid, if I am one who has to minister to Gomer or Penguin or the Jail House Guard, I will do so. Afterall, I am first and foremost, a Christian.
Sure this is all in fun...and IT IS FUNNY.(laffin' as I type and read) But we have to come back together and unite for the real fight...against the world of sin in which we all live in.
BTW, I have never considered any of those who were disfellowshipped, as such.
You are all still in the church, if I read that doctor's letter right. Any decisions made after September 2005 are null and void.
Let's PARTY!!!
Good bye Nabors, Don Estep. I am praying for both of your souls. for all the lies you have both been doing and telling for the past 8 months.Bother Don Estep way dont you call my house now and and make fun of me and my family. I still have the tape. I would love to get to record you agin. Hey God is going to get you and Nabors both for all the wrong you two have been doing to all of my brothers sisters in this area. what fakes you both are. . ITS falling apart for both of you all. Brother Pruitt can not save you now. Elmer HARRIS.
I think these sites have done a great job of getting the information out.
Now that MAJOR changes have been made, I believe it's time we stop.
It's time to seek God, and lift up the Presbytery for the tedious work ahead of them; for God to give them strength and wisdom.
Possibly...but until there is some repairs made...I think they are good outlets for the people. They fear that they cannot trust anyone right now...Until they see action from the true leadership, it will continue to be a useful tool.
/After everything is said and done, I believe the websites will return to their original testify of the goodness of God. I like to read about the good things that are going on in The Church. Testimonies, healings, up and coming events, etc. Regardless of what some say, the websites are good if for no other reason, to show those who have hidden agendas that accountability will take place from now on, one way or another!
I have been sick with disdain with the people being used to preach at BTI. Whew I guess some are going to get their last ounce of power. If interim GO cannot restore the integrity of Gen Hdqrts, then I for one am ready to start over house to house. Let the wolves have GHQ. I want the real truth and love and spirit restored to us. I am so sick of the hypocrisy, agendas, politics and power greedy wolves rubbing their position in my face. Aren't there enough people to use in TCOG without using controversial people? Such as Ryan Peters, Don Estep. Man the masks are coming off left and right. Can't blame BTI on James Nabors. I have more respect for the absolute sides, than fence riders waiting to see how this is all gonna come down to save theirselves a position. I pray God almighty makes a clean sweep of those that have no intentions of doing right.
Ryan Peters' every move has always been merely for position or recognition. as far as I know..Don Estep is not on program for BTI..whevever you got your info..your wrong...He preached at Zion Hill on Sunday Morning by invitation of the pastor BUT not BTI for Ryan Peters..He is a very good man..I can't see why anyone is causing him harm...He is the Class President of his class and was probably asked to do devotions..You need to get your facts straight before you start talking about people!!
The information came from BTI. They didn't specify which service. Still the same difference though. People were hurt by the property situation and I saw Ryan Peters name on the documentation. So he has ruined his own name, not me.
No not the same situation...and IF Ryan Peters did hurt his name and he was in the wrong..what good are you doing by speaking bad of him too...
When I said "not the same situation" I meant it's not the same as if he was on the BTI program...He was invited by the pastor at Zion Hill to preach...Not Bro. Ard. Sunday Morning Service is the Local Church Service..and then BTI starts up again on Sunday night and Bro. Stephen Smith preached then...
Look, we all have our feelings on the matter and all I know is that as long as you are in a certain political group, you can do no wrong. Now if you aren't in this group, you can't do anything right. If there is the appearance of wrong, it should be worked out and corrected, not promoted and pushed in peoples faces who can't do anything about it but suffer through it, cause you aren't the ones in power who control these things. I am sure there are people in the church, who aren't controversial in the matters that we have faced this year. When you ask someone to come to your pulpit that has caused great disruption whether right or wrong, it causes more division. Let healing come before you parade them before everyone. I would rather deny a request to minister than to cause more hurt and division. Like I said before, the masks are coming off.
" for Ryan Peters..He is a very good man..I can't see why anyone is causing him harm...He is the Class President of his class..."
well, woop-tee-doo.
May as well put a big bold "MARKED" stamp on that boy's forehead. He's been found out. His actions identified what has been in his heart all along.
I thought the same thing about him until he robbed his local church members blind. Hatton and Peters are definitely wolves in sheep's clothing.
The reason I said that about Ryan Peters is that the CLASS picks their Class President..not the person over BTI...and I thought Franklin church kept their property...if so where did they rob that perticular church..just curious... AND again the preacher of Zion Hill (Nabors Son-in-Law) allowed him to preach at Zion Hill...NOT Bro. Ard...
Listen, I want to end this discussion right now..I should have never commented, I've done really good about just staying out of this whole mess...(as far as trying to have bad feelings and making bad feelings) if I have said or done anything to upset or hurt anyone, please forgive me..It just hurts me that it seems we are devouring one another...I feel that there has definately been wrong done..but I want to instead of talking bad about that person take them to the Lord in Prayer...they do have a soul and they deserve just as much as anyone to go to Heaven...I hope you understand the spirit in which I am saying this...I love each and everyone whether I agree with them or not...
I love everyone also. There has too much sweeping under the rug so to speak. If you haven't done anything wrong, then you shouldn't care if people talk about what you are doing.
You don't know R.P. like some who have known him all of his life. He can put on a good show. It's only by the grace of God that He is not in jail right now. As far as the deed, it HAS NOT been returned to the rightful members! I believe the Bible speaks of restitution where possible?
His testimony is RUINED as far as a whole lot of people are concerned, along with Scott Hatton. What do you call a person who steals something that is not his? What do you call someone who has not told the truth? I'll forgive anyone...but don't parade them in my face, or at BTI or on any stage anywhere in TCOG until they come clean!!!!!!
Why crucify James Nabors for not following assembly rulings and then let others get away "scott free?" In my opinion, it should be unthinkable to practice secret business w/o all of the trustees present. Everyone seems to overlook that fact. Walter Lofton would have went right ahead and pulled Fairview right out from under the members there if he hadn't gotten caught. He was the one who started this whole mess. So, I'm sure that's where Hatton and Peters got their "bright idea."
Why crucify James Nabors for not following assembly rulings and then let others get away "scott free?" In my opinion, it should be unthinkable to practice secret business w/o all of the trustees present. Everyone seems to overlook that fact. Walter Lofton would have went right ahead and pulled Fairview right out from under the members there if he hadn't gotten caught. He was the one who started this whole mess. So, I'm sure that's where Hatton and Peters got their "bright idea."
"As far as the deed, it HAS NOT been returned to the rightful members! I believe the Bible speaks of restitution where possible?
His testimony is RUINED as far as a whole lot of people are concerned, along with Scott Hatton. What do you call a person who steals something that is not his? What do you call someone who has not told the truth? I'll forgive anyone...but don't parade them in my face, or at BTI or on any stage anywhere in TCOG until they come clean!!!!!!"
This is my sentiment exactly!!!!
Dear Randy Hazel,
Is christian brother hood meant to slander other brothers and sisters in christ? As far as finacial status I believe you munipulate the government by having a computer bussiness in your wifes name while you draw dissability. My opinion of you is your a liar, if you draw dissabilty because you can't work you should'nt have a computer bussiness. Maybe some other hypocritical member such as yourself may dig up a little on you.(you man of God) My opinion is you should spend more time on your knees praying for your church and the wrongs in it and less time researching your brother in Christ's financial situation, and less time looking at your computer. Randy does the theocratic government mean anything to you? I believe Don Estep was put in office by Brother Pruitt who prayed for divine appointment.
Pray Harder
and condemn less
Timothy Marple
"Is christian brother hood meant to slander other brothers and sisters in christ?
I believe Don Estep was put in office by Brother Pruitt who prayed for divine appointment."
You started your letter personal and then you slandered someone all the while condemning it.
As for Theocratic Government, that simply is God rules. The letter from Bro Pruitt's physician states he wasn't mentally capable of any administrative duties starting September 05. James Nabors has been manipulating the government with the shield of Bro Pruitt's hidden medical condition. Fact I have researched myself, not hearsay from multiple sources. You know the multitude of counsellors the bible talks about.
Your spirit is sad and it shows.
I have done my share of throwing tomatoes at the stage, but htis thread is full of hate. Especially the Personally signed posts near the end. How can one be a witness with such anger in their hearts? There will need to be more restitution made at the general assembly by each other...more than just 'Ol Jimmy Nabors. Come on people, let's have cooler heads and return our focus to christian living other than beating each other up.
I'm sure if Brother Carter knew about the picture attached with this thread, he would frown upon it with scorn.
Things are being brought under control. We need to spend less time POSTING and more time PRAYING.
If someone's wrong, love them, and pray for them. There is a time and a place to stand up. Doing so here is pointless.
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