Time to Put Up or Shut Up
Because of my vocal opposition to Don Estep as Kentucky Overseer and my posting of documents I believe bolster my opposition, I have been called to task for doing so. My honesty in my personal business at best has been questioned and at the worst I have been called a liar, a cheat and a hypocrite. The pot calling the kettle black if you will. It is interesting that those who
use the pot/kettle analogy have yet to show that the kettle is white, they only claim that the pot is black.
In response to these accusations I will be sharing personal documents about myself that I would not post about Don Estep even if I had access to them. I posted only documents that are either public knowledge or church property. Local newpapers print lots of things I am sure some would rather they did not. Bankruptcies, traffic violations, DUI, etc. I have not posted private SSA communication, tax returns, etc. of Don Estep because these are not for public consumption.
As for myself I will be posting the following:
Who I am.
My name is Randell Hazel. I am married and have two boys. My wife's name is Sherry and we as a family attend The Church of God at Willisburg Ky. We live in Bardstown Ky and my wife is the owner of a computer service business called Automata. My relationship to the business I will detail later in this post. I have been a member of the Church since the age of 12 and I am now 43 years old. I was disfellowshipped from the Church of God of Prophecy because I renewed my convenant with The Church of God. I have been disfellowshipped from The Church of God because I would not acknowledge Don Estep as Kentucky Overseer. My whole local congregation was disfellowshipped in one fell swoop for the same reason.
My work history
While I was obtaining a Bachelor of Science I drew SSI during the school year. This was due to the fact I was "legally blind". During the summers I obtained a summer job to help with education and did not receive SSI when I was employed. After graduation I discontinued SSI and obtained a job with the DOD. I worked for the DOD for 12 years in various engineering positions. I then went to work for DuPont Photomasks as a Information Technology (Computer) professional and was employed with them for 6 years. The plant where I worked has since been closed and I was downsized. After paying into the Social Security system for 18 years and being out of work I decided to apply for Social Security Disability to survive while trying to find another job. After a year of no luck finding a job my wife and I decided to move back to Kentucky and try self employment. I had the technical knowledge and my wife had the business knowledge so we would give it a try. That is where it now stands.
What makes me eligible to draw Social Security Disability
Two things. One is that I was born "legally blind". The second is that I paid into Social Security for 18 years. SSD is not the same as SSI. The following letter is one of many that I have received over the years that certifies from a medical professional that I am legally blind.

You can find what the SSA considers "legally blind" on page 47 of the "Redbook" at the following link.
SSA Redbook
In 2001 I was involved in a car accident the caused me to completely lose my right eye. I wear a prosthesis for looks, but I have only one functioning eye. I worked at my job at DuPont Photomasks for 2 years after that accident, but after being downsized and unable to find a job I did what I had to do, I applied for SSD.
How can you work and draw SSD?
Once again SSD does not have the same rules as SSI. Also the rules for those drawing SSD who are "legally blind" are different than those drawing SSD who have normal vision. The SSA wants those on SSD to find "Substantial Gainful Activity" or SGA. The SSA determines what I am allowed to make and still draw SSD. I have to report my earning to them and keep them informed of any changes that will affect my SSD.
The following letters are examples of the "Up Front" communications I have had with the SSA since day one of being self employed. The first letter is their acknowledgment of my reporting to them my work status had changed.
The second letter is the SSA requesting the required information about my working so that they could determine if I have entered the work trial period and if I am making enough money for it to be considered SGA.
The information I send to the SSA is contained in their form SSA Form 820 "Work Activity Report" A sample form can be viewed at:
SSA Form 820
The third letter is the SSA sending me their findings as to my status. They found that I have completed some of the Work Trial Period and that my SSD will continue. The third page of the letter details what I am allowed to make and still receive SSD.

As you can see I have provided all the information that the SSA has requested and am still eligible to receive SSD. The information about how much I made since starting work is shown in the next illustration.
This is the information I provided to the SSA. I have details available to the SSA such as customer invoices, pay stubs from Automata, etc. which show a clear and precise trail of the hours I have worked and have been paid for.
How is Automata setup and what is your relationship to it?
My wife Sherry is the sole proprietor of Automata and has all exclusive control of the company and all it's assets. I am a independent contractor to Automata and am paid on an hourly basis. I have no access to any of the business assets. We hired an attorney to create a contract between Automata and myself in order to ensure clarity to the SSA and the IRS of what I am paid. The rates are based on what the market will bear in Nelson County in Kentucky. Automata has hired a CPA to do the business taxes and to ensure we are completely within the law and that all our affairs are open and transparent to the IRS. Because I am an independent contractor to Automata I pay for my own liability insurance so that any inadvertant damage I do to a client's equipment is covered.
It has been said that basically I do all the work and the business is my wife's in name only. The SSA rules say that my wife is free to make whatever she can and it will not affect my SSD. This is what my critics say we are doing. I do the work, my wife keeps the money, my wife does nothing to earn what the business pays her and we sneak the money into the bank. Sherry does ALL the following:
Anybody who knows ANYTHING about running a business knows that the owner gets paid LAST. Employess, contractors, vendors, creditors, etc. all come first and the owner gets what is left over. If Sherry and I were really trying to lie to the SSA and steal some money why didn't we make me the owner and her the contractor or employee? I could have done MORE work and claimed all kinds of expenses, paid her an inflated hourly rate and justify me making "zip" with "Well the business just isn't doing well". Our business, our earning, our setup are all known to the SSA, the IRS, our attorney and CPA. What more can we do to try and be legal and ethical?
Because Automata has only been active for about a year it has made very little profit. For example, Automata's net profit for 2005 per our CPA was $1,129.
The Bottom Line
I have provided as much information as I can without compromising my financial security. Will it be enough to satisfy the "hard core" Estep supporters who accuse me of being a crook. No, it won't be enough. They will just respond with "Well, this is all just a smoke screen to enable you to steal from the SSA". To them I say:
Once again, Don Estep's supporters are not interested in the truth about me, they only want to REDIRECT your attention away from him.
use the pot/kettle analogy have yet to show that the kettle is white, they only claim that the pot is black.
In response to these accusations I will be sharing personal documents about myself that I would not post about Don Estep even if I had access to them. I posted only documents that are either public knowledge or church property. Local newpapers print lots of things I am sure some would rather they did not. Bankruptcies, traffic violations, DUI, etc. I have not posted private SSA communication, tax returns, etc. of Don Estep because these are not for public consumption.
As for myself I will be posting the following:
- Proof of my handicap (reason for receiving disability)
- Written communications with the SSA concerning my earnings from being self employed
- Excerpts from the SSA regulations showing how I comply with the law
- Details of how my wife's business is setup and my relationship to it
- Details of both how much I earned last year from my contract work for Automata and how much my wife earned as owner of the business
- Net income of Automata for 2005
Who I am.
My name is Randell Hazel. I am married and have two boys. My wife's name is Sherry and we as a family attend The Church of God at Willisburg Ky. We live in Bardstown Ky and my wife is the owner of a computer service business called Automata. My relationship to the business I will detail later in this post. I have been a member of the Church since the age of 12 and I am now 43 years old. I was disfellowshipped from the Church of God of Prophecy because I renewed my convenant with The Church of God. I have been disfellowshipped from The Church of God because I would not acknowledge Don Estep as Kentucky Overseer. My whole local congregation was disfellowshipped in one fell swoop for the same reason.
My work history
While I was obtaining a Bachelor of Science I drew SSI during the school year. This was due to the fact I was "legally blind". During the summers I obtained a summer job to help with education and did not receive SSI when I was employed. After graduation I discontinued SSI and obtained a job with the DOD. I worked for the DOD for 12 years in various engineering positions. I then went to work for DuPont Photomasks as a Information Technology (Computer) professional and was employed with them for 6 years. The plant where I worked has since been closed and I was downsized. After paying into the Social Security system for 18 years and being out of work I decided to apply for Social Security Disability to survive while trying to find another job. After a year of no luck finding a job my wife and I decided to move back to Kentucky and try self employment. I had the technical knowledge and my wife had the business knowledge so we would give it a try. That is where it now stands.
What makes me eligible to draw Social Security Disability
Two things. One is that I was born "legally blind". The second is that I paid into Social Security for 18 years. SSD is not the same as SSI. The following letter is one of many that I have received over the years that certifies from a medical professional that I am legally blind.

SSA Redbook
In 2001 I was involved in a car accident the caused me to completely lose my right eye. I wear a prosthesis for looks, but I have only one functioning eye. I worked at my job at DuPont Photomasks for 2 years after that accident, but after being downsized and unable to find a job I did what I had to do, I applied for SSD.
How can you work and draw SSD?
Once again SSD does not have the same rules as SSI. Also the rules for those drawing SSD who are "legally blind" are different than those drawing SSD who have normal vision. The SSA wants those on SSD to find "Substantial Gainful Activity" or SGA. The SSA determines what I am allowed to make and still draw SSD. I have to report my earning to them and keep them informed of any changes that will affect my SSD.
The following letters are examples of the "Up Front" communications I have had with the SSA since day one of being self employed. The first letter is their acknowledgment of my reporting to them my work status had changed.

SSA Form 820
The third letter is the SSA sending me their findings as to my status. They found that I have completed some of the Work Trial Period and that my SSD will continue. The third page of the letter details what I am allowed to make and still receive SSD.

How is Automata setup and what is your relationship to it?
My wife Sherry is the sole proprietor of Automata and has all exclusive control of the company and all it's assets. I am a independent contractor to Automata and am paid on an hourly basis. I have no access to any of the business assets. We hired an attorney to create a contract between Automata and myself in order to ensure clarity to the SSA and the IRS of what I am paid. The rates are based on what the market will bear in Nelson County in Kentucky. Automata has hired a CPA to do the business taxes and to ensure we are completely within the law and that all our affairs are open and transparent to the IRS. Because I am an independent contractor to Automata I pay for my own liability insurance so that any inadvertant damage I do to a client's equipment is covered.
It has been said that basically I do all the work and the business is my wife's in name only. The SSA rules say that my wife is free to make whatever she can and it will not affect my SSD. This is what my critics say we are doing. I do the work, my wife keeps the money, my wife does nothing to earn what the business pays her and we sneak the money into the bank. Sherry does ALL the following:
- All paperwork (Billing, Invoicing, Collections, Purchasing, Bookkeeping, etc.)
- LAN and phone cable terminations (I can't see well enough)
- All printer mechanical repairs (you guessed it, I can't see well enough)
- All web design (no I can see good enough, just not good a graphics design, actually I dislike it as well)
- Provides all transportation (once again, I can't see well enough)

Because Automata has only been active for about a year it has made very little profit. For example, Automata's net profit for 2005 per our CPA was $1,129.
The Bottom Line
I have provided as much information as I can without compromising my financial security. Will it be enough to satisfy the "hard core" Estep supporters who accuse me of being a crook. No, it won't be enough. They will just respond with "Well, this is all just a smoke screen to enable you to steal from the SSA". To them I say:
- Report me to the SSA Office in Elizabethtown Ky, ask for Ms. Chancellor. Per the letters from the local SSA office she is my contact.
- Report me to the IRS
Once again, Don Estep's supporters are not interested in the truth about me, they only want to REDIRECT your attention away from him.
Sorry for doubting your word, but not sorry about saying you are wrong to do bro. estep like this, cuz you are wrong. But That it between you and God.
Doesn't a small part of you feel like you owe Bro Estep an apology? I know he may be wrong but don't you feel that the way you went about this is wrong as well??
Proverbs 18:19 Says..
A brother offended is harder to be won than a strong city:...
You may see him as a sinner and a wolf that has entered the church but the fact remains that he is a soul that needs to be reached out to. He shouldn't be shown bitterness and anger, he should be shown love and concern. And this is not the way to do it with the negative comments/post.
I agree!!!!
I'm not saying I agree with everything on this site. However, let's not forget that Bro. Estep has shown no dismay or regret in his actions to date. He lacks wisdom, integrity, and a good spirit.
When he became the "new Overseer" to Kentucky, I called him with a question. His answering machine said this,
"If you've called to work, press 1. If you've called to resign your church, press 2."
Does this sound like wisdom? Does THIS sound like love?
I think not.
I would love to have seen this kind of proof from Estep. The reason that we haven't is because there isn't this kind of proof. There is a lot of proof that has been made available to us, but it only shows that he (Estep) hasn't done things right. Bro Randy, I don't think you have done wrong to warn those who didn't know that this man is not deserving of an overseer position, and a spot as a presbyter. People need to understand that these things would not have become public if Don would have only did what was right and stepped down. The ministers of this region went through the proper channels of The Church, but just like the formal charges on Nabors, Estep, and Lester, the information concerning Estep's cheating the government, drawing income he shouldn't have taken, and unfaithfulness in tithing, they turned their cheek. True men of God have nothing to hide, and if accused should be able to prove innocence.
Those of you who back Estep are going to feel pretty silly when this region is put back together. The Presbytery and the interim overseer is investigating Estep, and they already know what he is.
You mean Presbyery, there is no Interim Overseer yet.
Estep isn't the only one that is going to be investigated. These illegitimate overseers are going to find themselves on the hot seat in just a few days.
Nobody's feelin silly. I don't agree with what Estep has done. I don't think he should be an Overseer, Minister or Member! And though this site has proved that Estep is a crook, I still don't feel it has shown a good spirit. WHERE IS THE LOVE?!?!?!
When reading this site, I feel like I am watching Court TV or something.
Hey Bro. Randy you might want to look into becoming a lawyer. I believe it would be a good profession for you!
I think alot of love has already been shown by allowing those who are wrong to remain in officde when there is charges against them. I think it's love to stand and let somone point their finger in your face and tell you that you are decieved and not say a word. I think it is love to sit by and listen to all the false statements against this region and keep quiet. I think it's love to tell The Church the truth even when it is not popular nor palletable.
Randy seems to have abandoned this blog. No word or input from in in a great while.
Bro. Randy, hasn't gone anywhere. He has nothing to hide. He is a fine young man.
Bro. Randy, Would you please consider asking for a user name here. Maybe it would cut down on some of the offensive posts if they knew they would be known. For Zion's Sake has staring doing this and it is a real blessing. We really don't know who is speaking here, or who we are responding to. God Bless
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