Does the Tithing Test of Membership Apply to Bro. Estep?
Enclosure 4 is a copy of two monthly reports from Pastor Donald R. Estep I to General Headquarters for the months of July and August of 2002. This was during his pastorate at Willisburg Ky. These two months were returned to the local clerk due to lack of postage or clerical error. This is the only reason we have them.
A close comparison of the figures in Enclosure 4 and the documented income in Enclosure 3 reveal definite discrepenacies between what was received and what was reported to General Headquarters. To fully understand Enclosure 3 please see a earlier post here.
Using July 2002 as an example we find: Income from Local Church Per Enclosure 3 was Approx. $2,400, Tithes (10%) would be $240, Actual Tithes paid to Gen. HQ Per July Monthly Report $50.
The same type of discrepancy can be found in August 2002.
What is the cause of these discrepancies? What about the other monthly reports during Bro. Estep's pastorate at Willisburg?
Does Headquarters know that they have appointed a man to be an Overseer who has a different standard of tithing for himself than established doctrine? Will he be counseled? Will he make restitution? Let's hope and pray so.
How can Bro. Estep admonish clergy and laity alike to "Hold to the Doctrine" when it appears his grip is a little shaky?