Friday, May 26, 2006

Step Up to the Microphone - Part 2

In response to my plea for documentation, to prove that my assertions about Don Estep I are false, I have received the following two responses in particular:

Dear Randy Hazel,
Is christian brother hood meant to slander other brothers and sisters in christ? As far as finacial status I believe you munipulate the government by having a computer bussiness in your wifes name while you draw dissability. My opinion of you is your a liar, if you draw dissabilty because you can't work you should'nt have a computer bussiness. Maybe some other hypocritical member such as yourself may dig up a little on you.(you man of God) My opinion is you should spend more time on your knees praying for your church and the wrongs in it and less time researching your brother in Christ's financial situation, and less time looking at your computer. Randy does the theocratic government mean anything to you? I believe Don Estep was put in office by Brother Pruitt who prayed for divine appointment.

Pray Harder and condemn less
Timothy Marple

Previous Posters Comments....
"Workman is worth his meat, To get by means so the govt dosent know so they can adjust his Govt check I believe is wrong"

Huh.... Perhaps you should question the beloved saint Automaton on his business practices. As I know it, this lovely little saint opperates under his wifes name, claiming himself to be a part time worker, turning in only the hours and $'s allowed under his govt check regulations, when in fact he is the cheif technician doing the bulk of the work and the backbone and founder of the company. Sounds a little shady to me. In essence, a legal way to be crooked. Theres always a loop hole for every crook to sneak thru.

Before I respond to each post individually I would like to point out something both have in common. What they have in common is the use of a technique called REDIRECTION. The two most successful practitionars of this technique are magicians and politicians. The hand is quicker than the eye, especially when the magician directs you to his right hand so his left hand can hide something up his sleeve. The politician takes heat away from himself by "exposing" some dreadful tidbit about a rival and then showing moral distaste for the brute. You will notice there is no substance in these posts to exonerate Don Estep or to dispute the documentation I have presented, only REDIRECTION.

Post #1

  • Addressed to "Randy Hazel". My identity I will leave to another post (Coming Soon)

  • I have "slandered" Don Estep. You might want to know a word's definition before you use it.

  • I am manipulative, a liar and a hypocrit. How can I act in Christian brotherhood or have a brother or sister in Christ? Do you believe in sinning Christians?

  • If I am a liar and a hypocrit how would my praying for the church help? Shouldn't I be praying for my own salvation instead?

  • I must at this juncture point out that Timothy Marple is not a member of The Church of God. He is PERHAPS sharing the opinions held by some of his family, who are members of The Church of God.

  • All the statements are predicated on "My opinion" or "I believe", there is no hard facts of either Don Esteps innocence or my guilt.

  • The lack of continuity and logic in the post is classic redirection.

Post #2

  • Once again I am a sneaky crook and a liar. Proof? No, just "as I know it" and "sounds a little shady to me". You should look up the definition for slander as well.

  • From your detailed description of my "questionable business practices" you are either a client or making statements about things you have no knowledge of. So are you helping me to "cheat" the government by giving me work that I shouldn't do or are you lying about my business practices?

  • "turning in only the hours and $'s allowed under his govt check regulations" Unless you are my CPA, with the IRS or the SSA how could you possibly know what I "turn in"? More allegations, no proof.

  • Vitriol, another classic sign of redirection.


How does my being a manipulative, lying, hypocritical, sneaky crook exonorate or clear Don Estep of the questions I have posted on this blog? It doesn't. If they can make me look "just as bad" or better yet "worse" than the person in question they REDIRECT your attention.

What about the allegations made against you?

I will answer those in my next post.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Step Up to the Microphone.

In response to the information that I have shared here I have received the following Selected posts from anonymous posters:

Brother Don Estep is a true man of God. I wish this site would just leave him along.I am glad he is my Overseer! We need more true Saints like him.



Don Estep is a great man of God! Just as his FATHER was.

First off I must say that I believe in EVERYONE'S right to their opinion and am glad to have received these posts.

Let's look at some facts about these posts:

The posters are supporters of the Kentucky Overseer

There are common themes between multiple posts
  • He is a "man of God"
  • He is a "True Saint"
One in particular says:
  • We need more like him
  • They are glad he is the Overseer
For those indicviduals who have posted these comments and others who agree with them I say:


Dispute my information, prove me wrong with facts, not retoric. Send me documentation to my email address and I WILL post it for you to comment on.

If your proof is compelling and causes me to question my facts I will make whatever retractions or apologies that are necessary. I will do so on this forum and personally to the wronged.

As of right now I have seen NO proof that exonerates Bro. Estep from the issues I have raised....

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Is there a court-martial coming?

Looks like Private Pyle is in Trouble...

Sargent Carter didn't go away like HQ thought he would. Looks like it's time for the Joint Chiefs of Staff to step up and start court-martial proceedings.

What about the other "sabateurs" at HQ, are they any less quilty?

What do you think should happen?

As Sgt Carter would say: